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Aqua Sensory & OT and Me

Aqua Sensory & OT and Me

We share this ethos too at Aqua Sensory.

Whilst working with water which is a very powerful multidimensional medium in itself. We are, however, aware that bringing land-based practices and an early year’s approach to water brings about many ‘new’ opportunities and dimensions. We have been turning to the experts themselves, looking for more clues and more answers, in finding ways to address new needs and an ever-expanding awareness, in our ever-changing world.

It was a delight to meet Jess online who is a multi-award winning Senior Paediatric Occupational Therapists (OT) who has been published in the Huffington Post and Journal of Occupational Science. In 2018, Jess founded My OT and Me, which provides home-based OT intervention to children online support and education for parents and educators through her platform.

Jess invited Jo to talk on her Child Development Series on her popular YouTube Channel to share their passion for empowering parents, with tips and strategies on baby swim, sensory development and discovery play in the water.

Watch their interview – HERE

Jess and Jo chat about their shared values on the importance of play, child-led development and allowing our babies in the pool and in life to unfold in their own natural way. Look out for a few of our Aqua Sensory top tips for new swim experiences, as well as swim activities that parents might not be aware of in terms of their sensory and baby development like tummy time, whooshes and simple sprinkles.

Whilst we are not here at Aqua Sensory to diagnose, we do believe in early intervention and OT and Me provide a superb awareness platform for parents and professionals.

We are delighted that Jess has also shared with us her professional child sensory knowledge for our group: Aqua Sensory Professionals. Here’s to more collaborations with experts in their fields.

There is so much strength is in sharing.

Do drop by with any comments or thoughts, we would love to connect with you.

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Sensory News

We share our snippets of sensory know-how, practical ideas and inspirations.

This is a newsletter like no other as we often reach out and answer your challenges to find sensory solutions, with our many years  of baby and early years of swimming passion and expertise.

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Sensory News

We share our snippets of sensory know-how, practical ideas and inspirations.

This is a newsletter like no other as we often reach out and answer your challenges to find sensory solutions, with our many years of baby and early years of swimming passion and expertise.

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